
Amoxycillin capsules and tablets manufacturer and supplier

Amoxycillin capsules and tablets manufacturer and supplier

We are living in an era where, unfortunately, viral and bacterial infections are very common. In these times, people have been using antibiotics thoroughly to treat their infections, and this has made our bodies habitual to those antibiotics. That is why low doses and common antibiotics are ineffective.

On the contrary, Amoxycillin capsules are still very effective and capable of eliminating viral and bacterial infections from the body. 

Product Name: CAPIMOX-250
Division: Casca
Composition: Amoxycillin 250 mg
Packing: 10×10 Blister
MRP: 244
GST: 12%

Product Name: CAPIMOX-500
Division: Casca
Composition: Amoxycillin 500 mg
Packing: 10×10 Blister
MRP: 720
GST: 12%

Amoxycillin is an antibiotic that helps treat various bacterial infections, including, lung, throat, ear, and urinary tract infections. It is also effective against pneumonia, fever, and infection. It is also an effective medicine in the treatment of bronchitis and tonsillitis infections. Amoxycillin belongs to the class of penicillin antibiotics, and it is an effective and generally safest antibiotic. Sometimes this antibiotic is also used with other antibiotics to treat stomach ulcers.

Amoxicillin tablets are available in both 500 and 200-mg packs, and they are also available in capsule form.

Product Name: CAPIMOX-250 DT
Division: Casca
Composition: Amoxycillin 250 mg Dispersible Tablet
Packing: 10X10 Alu/Alu
MRP: 450
GST: 12%

Product Name: CAPIMOX-125 DT
Division: Casca
Composition: Amoxycillin 125 mg Dispersible Tablet
Packing: 10X10 Alu/Alu
MRP: 250
GST: 12%

Many physicians prefer amoxicillin over penicillin and antibiotics for its effectiveness and acute effect on bacterial infections. The reason behind its effectiveness is its formulation and composition. Amoxicillin fights and kills infection-causing bacteria, and the clavulanate potassium compound stops bacteria from resisting the amoxicillin. This is why, it is always effective and helpful in bacterial and viral infections.

Amoxycillin capsules and tablets uses

Like many other antibiotics, this one also works on eliminating infection-causing bacteria from the body. It does not provide relief from the symptoms of infections. Mostly, a physician may prescribe other medicines with amoxicillin to relieve the symptoms of infection like fever, cough, cold, or others, but permanent relief to a patient when this antibiotic eradicates bacterial infection from the body. This is the reason it is effective in various bacterial infections and has multiple uses.

Pneumonia and bronchitis – It is very effective in treating pneumonic infections, it also treats infections in the lungs by killing the bacteria that cause the narrowing of the bronchial tubes, which makes breathing difficult. In this way, this antibiotic relieves infection and the symptoms of pneumonia and bronchitis.

Throat, Nose, Sinus and Ear – Infections are similar types of infections that cause coughing, sneezing, running nose, fever, and body aches. It is also helpful in treating tonsillitis. Amoxicillin is one of the best antibiotics that treat these infections effectively. 

Urinary Tract – Urinary tract infections are difficult to treat because urinary infections tend to reoccur. That is why an antibiotic that is capable of completely flushing out the uterine bacteria is best to treat UTIs and amoxicillin is best for the treatment of UTIs.

Amoxicillin is one of the most common, effective, and safest antibiotics available for bacterial infections. It is also the number one choice of many medical practitioners for viral treatment. In some cases, these antibiotics could also produce some minor and common side effects, but in some cases, when they are used more than the prescribed dose, they may produce some serious side effects. 

Side effects of Amoxicillin tablets

As we have mentioned, amoxicillin does not produce any serious side effects, and if someone does not exceed the recommended dose, they probably won’t see any kind of side effect. However, we will discuss some common side effects of using antibiotics. 

Common side effects may occur, including stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and rashes. But only one out of a hundred may experience these side effects. In general, amoxicillin capsules are safe to consume.

Amoxycillin capsules and tablets manufacturer and supplier

There are many brands available on the market that have amoxicillin antibiotics. But most of them are not actual manufacturers; rather, they are just distributors and brands that outsource the manufacturing of medicines. Fortunately, there is one company that manufactures and supplies Amoxicillin to its distributors and franchises, and that reputed firm is Casca Remedies. Their own amoxicillin tablets come under the brand name CAPIMOX-500, which is one of the highest-selling brands for amoxicillin antibiotics. 

Casca Remedies is one of the most reliable and recognized companies in the pharma sector. We are one of the biggest third party manufacturing company, manufacturers and suppliers of pharmaceutical products in India. 

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