
Ciprofloxacin tablet manufacturers and suppliers

Ciprofloxacin tablets are used to treat bacterial infections in the human body. Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic medicine that belongs to the fluoroquinolone antibiotic class and is only prescribed as a generic medicine for bacterial treatment. It works by killing infection-causing bacteria and preventing them from reproducing. These antibiotic medicines are effective against general bacterial and viral infections. Infections like ear, throat, sinus, respiratory tract, and other soft tissue infections can be cured by this antibiotic medicine. 

Ciprofloxacin is a commonly prescribed antibiotic medicine that treats many infections by killing the causing bacteria. Many physicians recommend these medicines for general throat and sinus infections. It is also helpful for some bacteria-causing diarrhea. Sometimes it’s also prescribed for pneumonia and other respiratory infections, along with other medicines for treatment. 

Due to the generic use and frequent availability of these tablets, many Ciprofloxacin tablet manufacturers and suppliers are operating in the pharma market. Most of the time, these kinds of medicines have a frequent and large sale in the market, which attracts franchisers and distributors to develop a business around them. 

Ciprofloxacin tablets manufacturers

The Ciprofloxacin manufacturer produces these medicines in tablet form. These tablets range in potency from 250 to 500 mg per tablet.

Product Name: CASPRO-250
Division: Casca
Composition: Ciprofloxacin 250 mg
Packing: 10×10 Blister
MRP: 232
GST: 12%

Product Name: CASPRO-500
Division: Casca
Composition: Ciprofloxacin 500 mg
Packing: 10×10 Blister
MRP: 400
GST: 12%

For optimal effects, the doctor will prescribe a potency dose based on the severity of the infection. Almost every antibiotic manufacturer is bound to produce large volumes of medicines to meet market demand and supply. Antibiotics are the most popular form of medicine in India. Ciprofloxacin comes under different brand names and is manufactured by various manufacturers. 

Ciprofloxacin tablets suppliers

Suppliers play an important role in the pharma market by distributing medicines to the local market. Suppliers are the bridge between manufacturers and consumers. Manufacturers provide supply contracts and PCD pharma franchises for suppliers to send, market, and sell medicine on behalf of their manufacturers and brand partners. As a result, they get a fine profit share in the sales of medicines, and if they get franchises for these products, they become local pharma owners with exclusive territory sales rights. 

Most prominent Ciprofloxacin tablet manufacturers and suppliers

The Indian pharmaceutical industry has many big and promising manufacturers with the capacity to produce huge quantities of pharmaceutical products. Pharma products have a wide range, and some common medicines need continuous production on a large scale to meet market demand. Antibiotics are a prime example of these products. On the contrary, “Casca remedies” have all these positive attributes, from large-scale production to a sublime distribution network.

Casca Remedies produces Ciprofloxacin tablets under the brand names CASPRO-250/ CASPRO-500.

These tablets are the best quality Ciprofloxacin antibiotics available on the market. As Casca Remedies, we promise superior quality and a swift consignment process with large volumes and timely delivery of these medicines for our clients and franchise partners. 

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