
Cilnidipine 10 Mg Tablets Manufacturer and Suppliers

The Indian pharmaceutical industry has reached greater heights of success. This is happening because of one of the best business models of manufacturing medicines by medicine manufacturers in India. They are the greatest assistance to the pharmaceutical company that offers pharmaceutical services to the Indian as well as international pharmaceutical market. The business model of manufacturing medicines is the best business supporting the growth of the pharmaceutical industry.

The best treatment for Hypertension: Cilnidipine 10 mg Tablets

CILACAS-10 is a medicine with a composition of Cilnidipine 10 mg Tablets it is a calcium channel blocker medication used to treat high blood pressure(hypertension). It assists in relaxing the blood vessels of our body, which allows the blood to flow with ease and lowers blood pressure. The tablets are typically taken once daily with a doctor’s prescription with or without food. 

Cilnidipine Tablets uses

  • It helps to relieve high blood pressure called hypertension. It is one of the best solutions to hypertension. It assists in relaxing the blood vessels of our body, which allows the blood to flow with ease and lowers blood pressure. The tablets are typically taken once daily with a doctor’s prescription with or without food. 
  • It is also useful in Angina and chest pains. It is one of the Cilnidipine Tablets uses. It assists by preventing angina attacks in the masses with stable angina. It improves the blood flow to the heart, improving the conditions, reducing the amount of oxygen the heart needs, and preventing chest pains. 
  • Heart failure is one of the most common things in today’s generation. The medicine is a treatment for heart failure. The medicines when combined with other ones can successfully treat heart failures. It improves blood flow to the heart and reduces the heart’s workload, which can help improve symptoms and prevent further heart damage. 
  • The medicine is also helpful in the prevention of stroke. It helps in preventing stroke in some masses.  It assists in lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of blood clots forming in the arteries, which can lead to stroke.
  • It is also useful in treating the symptoms of (PAD) peripheral arterial disease. It may be useful in treating the symptoms of PAD, such as pain, numbness, and tingling in the legs. It improves the blood flow to the legs and can help relieve symptoms. 

 Cilnidipine tablet manufacturers and suppliers

Casca Remedies is the best manufacturing company in India and also offers its flourishing PCD pharma franchise rights to its business partners. Today, the demand for Cilnidipine 10 mg Tablets is immense because Hypertension is one of the major problems among the masses in today’s generation. Today, almost an estimated 1.27 billion adults aged 29-38 years worldwide have hypertension as a major issue in low and middle-income countries. Almost more than half of hypertension patients of hypertension are treated successfully.

Nowadays, hypertension is a major cause of premature death worldwide. That is why it is crucial to list the best Cilnidipine tablet manufacturers and suppliers in India. Try to trust Casca Remedies to outsource your Cilnidipine tablets manufacturing order to us, by giving us a call at +918900000092. 


Ques: Cilnidipine 10 mg tablets are used for? 

Ans:   Hypertension, chest pain, PAD 

Ques What are the side effects of Cilnidipine tablets?

Ans:  Headache, dizziness, sleepiness 

Ques: The medicine is taken with or without a prescription? 

Ans:  It is advised to take Cilnidipine with a doctor’s prescription.

Ques: Does the dosage of Cilnidipine affect Kidneys?

Ans: It is advised to take the dosages with prescription in patients with kidney problems.

Ques: Do dosages of Cilnidipine tablets are allergic?

Ans: It is advised not to take Cilnidipine tablets if the individuals are allergic to Cilnidipine. 

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