
Rosuvastatin and Aspirin capsules: Prevent Heart Stroke & Attack

Rosuvastatin and Aspirin capsules Prevent heart stroke & attack

Rosuvastatin and Aspirin capsules are used to prevent cardiac arrest and stroke in cardiovascular diseases. These capsules are also used for post-attack recovery and the prevention of a second attack or stroke. These capsules are a combination of two medicines one: Rosuvastatin and another, aspirin. Both of these medicines are effective against cardiovascular diseases and cardiac arrest. These capsules are widely used medicines for cardiac diseases, almost every cardiologist prescribes this medication to prevent heart attacks and strokes. 

Nowadays, heart ailments are very common in Indians; in fact, young and middle-aged people have become more vulnerable to heart attacks and strokes. It has become the major reason for deaths in India. However, heart attacks and strokes can be prevented by the use of Rosuvastatin and Aspirin medicines in combination. By changing lifestyle habits and taking preventive measures as advised by cardiologists, cardiac arrest and strokes can be prevented, along with the help of the right medicines. 

How do Rosuvastatin and Aspirin capsules prevent heart attacks?

Rosuvastatin and Aspirin capsules

This medicine combination is very effective against cardiovascular disorders. Both drugs work differently, but together, they provide a shield against any heart attack or stroke. Let us understand the functions of both medicines and how they become an effective combination for heart ailments. 

  • Rosuvastatin: Rosuvastatin alone is used to lower the bad cholesterol levels in the blood. It stops the formation of sticky plaque in the arteries and narrows them. In this way, the effectiveness of rosuvastatin ensures a rich and uninterrupted supply of blood to the heart, preventing cardiac arrest. 
  • Aspirin: In general, aspirin is a blood-thinner drug. It dilutes the blood and makes it more transfusable. Thin and diluted blood can pass through small or mildly blocked arteries. As we know, arteries get blocked due to the congestion of sticky plaque accumulated by high cholesterol. In this way, aspirin helps blood flow freely in and out of the heart, preventing it from overloading. This helps prevent heart attacks. 
  • Rosuvastatin and Aspirin capsules are given to heart patients who are vulnerable to heart attacks. If doctors find any blocked arteries or malfunctioning heart valves, these capsules are prescribed as precautionary measures. 

PCD pharma franchise business for cardiovascular medicines

When talking about cardiovascular medicines, Rosuvastatin and Aspirin come first in terms of treatment. These capsules are the first and most basic form of precautionary medicine for cardiovascular diseases. This makes these capsules most desirable in the pharma franchise market. Cardiovascular medicines have huge sales in the Indian pharma market. 

You may notice the rush and long lines in the cardiologist’s clinics. There is clear evidence that people in India frequently suffer from heart-related ailments. And this inclination produces an opportunity for pharma companies to capitalize on market demand and sales. That is why owning a PCD Pharma Franchise for cardiovascular medicines would be a wise choice in recent scenarios. 

Manufacturers of Rosuvastatin and Aspirin capsules

These capsules are available on the market under various brand names. However, only Casca Remedies manufactures Rosocas- A is the best and most cost-effective rosuvastatin aspirin capsule in India.

We are a pharma franchise company in India offering PCD franchises for many cardiovascular medicines. Our manufacturing is top-notch and the franchise program is very supportive and flexible. Just inquire about all our services and products, which offer great opportunities in the pharma industry. 

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